Launch of Gram Vikas Yojana

SaathSaath Charitable Trust is a Registered Social Organization formed with the aim of helping poor, rural and downtrodden and neglected citizens of the country by doing Rural Upliftment through development of villages and making available opportunities at village level.

  February 24 - February 24

Under the aegis of the Trust we are launching a Gram Vikas Yojana named “Vivekanandalay”. This programme has already started at “Velneshwar” Taluka Guhagar with the help of Shri Joshi family, who gave 2 ½  acres of their land to the SaathSaath Trust. This land will be used to build infrastructure to provide initiatives in Education,  Health, Agriculture, Rural Employment and Women Empowerment in the villages in and around Velneshwar.

We have also realized that to make “Gram Vikas Yojana” successful, we need a team of dedicated, motivated, trustworthy and selfless volunteers. Today’s young generation is busy in pursuing their careers and goals. They have the desire to do social work, but do not have time to spare from their daily routine.

On the other hand, we observe that the joint family system is diminishing. Economic and financial changes are taking place at a fast pace and urban cities are growing rapidly. Due to these factors, Senior Citizens are living alone in cities in unsafe and polluted surroundings and in constant fear and boredom. Further, today the life expectancy has increased and most senior citizens live on an average upto 80-85 years, which is almost 20-25 years of active life post retirement.

Most of the Senior Citizens have realized that if they lead a sedentary lifestyle they would face the ignominies of falling prey to various illnesses and hence would want to contribute to society and also lead a healthy, happy and fulfilling life and enjoy their second innings. They  have Retired, but are not Tired.

SaathSaath Charitable Trust has come with a scheme which addresses these exact needs of the Senior Citizens along their journey of Gram Vikas Yojana  towards Rural Upliftment.

The Trust invites  Senior Citizens, who want to contribute to the Society and participate in the Gram Vikas Yojana – Vivekanandalaya as volunteers in their second innings to join this project and help the Trust in developing the village and its economy. These volunteers can pursue their hobbies that they always dreamt of, during their working days.  Velneshwar is a pristine, beautiful place in the precincts of nature where pollution and other hazards are unknown, due to its proximity to nature. It will provide the right atmposphere to the Senior Citizens to lead a healthy, invigorating and fulfilling life while contributing to the upliftment of the surrounding villages.

Project Vivekanandalay has already taken off with the Trust taking possession of the plot and obtaining the property card in its name. The plot is fenced, internal access road created, a borewell and a well constructed to meet the water needs at site. Electricity would soon be available from MSEB. The trust has organized Tree Plantation programs, Medical Educational Camps for the locals and are actively involved in villagers involvement.

Project Vivekanandaly will be developed in Phases. Overall we propose to build a Multi-Purpose Hall, Kitchen and Dining Area, Administrative Office 12 Bunglows with 24 rooms and housing 48 volunteers, Jogging Track, Temple and all modern amenities for the inmates of the complex.

SaathSaath Charity Trust now appeals to all Socially responsible citizens to participate in Gram Vikas Yojana – Project Vivekanandalay by donating generously to this ambitious venture and achieve lifetime fulfillment. This is a Not for Profit initiative and collaborative venture between Senior Citizens and Gram Vikas Yojana under the aegis of SaathSaath Charitable Trust. We look forward to your overwhelming support to this social cause. Your support could be in the form of cash or kind. 


Start Date:
February,24 2018 (9:30 - 2 pm)
End Date:
February,24 2018 (9:30 - 2 pm)
Sharad Joshi


Thakurdwar Mumbai
+ Google Map
Nagraj Kulkarni