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Saath Saath Charitable Trust
Gram Vikas Yojana named Vivekanandalay

Vivekanandalaya invites Senior Citizens as volunteers to join this project and help the Trust in developing the village and its economy. These volunteers can pursue their hobbies that they always dreamt of, during their working days.

Saath Saath Charitable Trust
Medical Support

To establish, develop, maintain and operate dispensaries, hospitals, welfare centres, shelters for old and aged people

Saath Saath Charitable Trust
Educational Support

Establish, Develop, Maintain and Operate Schools, Colleges, Reading rooms for the benefit of studenets

Rural Development Service by the Senior Citizen

Design, Construct, Build, Maintain and Operate Old Age homes for the old and Aged with facilities like games, yoga, gardening etc. to enjoy their lives and live to the fullest.


The vision of Vivekanandalaya is to use experience, enthusiasm and time of Senior Citizens to provide a meaningful mission in the autumn of their lives.